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The list below features written civil service exams currently scheduled in local, city and state jurisdictions, and is updated as new testing information becomes available. Contact Passbooks at or (516) 921-8888 for the latest test information in your area or for Passbook recommendations. We will do our best to assist you.


The Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission (SCSC) provides state residents with the opportunity to compete for open positions through testing. Success on these exams can help candidates gain employment with state, city or local government.
For a complete list of current and previously administered exams in Pennsylvania, refer to the Pennsylvania employment website. Note that many exams in Pennsylvania are scored by test candidates’ education and experience rather than with a written test.
Currently scheduled written exams are listed below. If you are considering applying for one of these exams, or if you’ve already signed up and are scheduled to sit for an exam this year, click on the name of the exam to see the corresponding Passbook study guide.
For titles without a linked Passbook or marked with (*), e-mail our research department at for suggested book titles, including alternative and/or supplementary titles.  Titles marked with (*) have several alternate titles available that might be better suited for your jurisdiction.

Click on your state’s tab to view upcoming civil services exams.


Test Name – Date 11 (2023)
Test Name – Date 11 (2023)

Listed below are general titles relevant to Pennsylvania test candidates:

Test Name – Date 11 (2023)
Test Name – Date 11 (2023)